Iron-On A yellow rubber duck stares vacantly off to the right of this round, merrow border patch.

Price: $1.85 CAD

Rubber Duck

Item No: E597
Dimensions: 2" w x 2" h
Patch since: Aug 01/16

Did you know that the first rubber ducks manufactured did not float? In the 19th century, Charles Goodyear invented rubber ducks made from a hard rubber designed to serve as chew toys for dogs. It was only in 1940 that Peter Ganine sculpted a duck and sold it as a floating toy.

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I received the crests Thursday afternoon! The event was a huge success, even though it was very windy and quite cold. Thank you for all your help getting this done with such short notice.

--Jennifer O
Fernie, BC

This company you have developed is incredibly amazing! You have an easy ordering system, speedy delivery, reasonable prices and more selection than Girl Guides will ever have! You take the dedication to hand sign the receipts and even bundle everything together. With both of these orders I have been incredibly impressed! My last order I placed consisted of 80 pieces, and you had them in stock and in my hands within days! Due to your valued and incredible service, I will be telling all of my fellow guiders [of] your website and my unending recommendations for them to order crests! Thank you for your dedicated work! I look forward to ordering from you again shortly!

--Melanie King 7th Waterloo Girl Guides Leader

We received the patches yesterday. It's really nice!! We're very happy. Thank you for the good work of you all!!


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