How To Earn Your Kindness Rocks Badge

Updated Aug 31, 2023

Are you looking to earn your own Kindness Rocks badge? Well, you're in luck! We have instructions to guide you through your Kindness Rocks journey. Grab your brightest smile and your big heart before heading out on this kindness adventure.

Activity 1

Brainstorm with your family about how we can be kind to each other while we spend time inside. What would it look like? What can we do? Different people can have different kindness needs - some might think that being left alone to their own devices is kind, whereas others might want to do family activities. It is important we understand everyone's boundaries and respect their social battery in order to be truly kind.

Activity 2

Sometimes, the best kind of kindness is random and unexpected! Little things around the house can put a big smile on everyone's faces. Do one random act of kindness for someone in your home. Here are some ideas for what you can do:

  1. Draw a picture or make for a family member
  2. Do the dishes
  3. Clean up after a pet
  4. Call or facetime a family member who is far away

Activity 3

Show everyone kindness! Have you heard about the kids around the world who are sharing kindness with their neighbourhoods? When the world feels like it's dragging on, everyone could use a splash of colour and love. Learn more about what others are doing in Canada and around the world by researching different articles, such as this article from the BBC.

Activity 4

Your final task to earn your Kindness Rocks badge is to create your own rainbow of kindness and Place it in your window or door for your neighbours to see. Paint a rock, or a piece of paper or get creative with paper mache. The sky is the limit!

Kayla Bernard

Kayla has grown up in Scouting and Guiding, which has led her to pursue a degree in Therapeutic Recreation. She is currently a Beaver Scouter with 36th Halifax. Enjoys crafts, cats, and creating programming that excites youth of all ages. 

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