February 22nd is an important day for the Scouting and Guiding community. It is the birthday of the founders, Lord and Lady Baden Powell. This day is celebrated worldwide and can incorporate events, programs and joining your fellow brothers and sisters! The crests in this category have a wide variety of representation and designs, so you can find the one best suited for your sash.
Shop by Category in Holidays & Special Day Themes.
Price: $2.20 CAD
Price: $2.20 CAD
Price: $2.80 CAD
It's time for World Thinking Day! Celebrate World Thinking Day on the 22nd of February with these awesome badges. Whether you're adding them to your sash or campfire blanket or you're patching your jacket or pants, we've got you covered. Patches from E-Patches & Crests are easy to sew on and hard to remove, so you don't have to worry about them accidentally falling off. These crests are a great gift for others on World Thinking day and a brilliant way to show off your World Thinking day pride.
Our World Thinking Day iron-on patches come in all shapes, colours and sizes. Patch up your favourite pair of pants or campfire blanket with a cool World Thinking Day patch. World Thinking Day may only come once a year, but that doesn't mean you can't wear your patches for the other 364 days. Wear your favourite World Thinking Day patch all year around with pride. See above for our full collection of World Thinking Day badges.
We are proud to have a wide selection of iron-on World Thinking Day badges and love to add to it. If you have an idea for a unique design, you can either submit a suggestion for a new design or order custom World Thinking Day iron-on badges. Many guiding groups choose to create their own World Thinking Day badges and patches, so they have one-of-a-kind crests with their preferred colours and logo. Request a quote to learn more about the custom World Thinking Day patches from E-Patches & Crests.
Can't Find the Perfect Thinking Day Embroidered Patch?
Do you have something that you would like in our in-stock items? Please add your design suggestions to our wish list.