Thinking Day Ideas

Updated Mar 17, 2023

Searching for this year's Thinking Day theme? Each year the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scounts (WAGGGS) announces the theme of this years Thinking Day event and they even release a booklet with information and activities.

The theme  for 2021 is Peacebuilding.

WAGGGS Activity Pack Link:

What is peacebuilding?

At its core, peacebuilding is an activity that looks to resolve injustice in noviolent ways.

This can include activities such as violence prevention, conflict management, resolution, transformation, and trauma healing.

Violence Prevention

Ten Things Kids Can Do To Stop Violence

  1. Settle arguments with words, not fists or weapons. Don't stand around and form an audience.
  2. Learn safe routes for walking in the neighborhood, and know good places to seek help. Trust your feelings, and if there's a sense of danger, get away fast.
  3. Report any crimes or suspicious actions to the police, school authorities, and parents. Be willing to testify if needed.
  4. Don't open the door to anyone you and your parents don't know and trust.
  5. Never go anywhere with someone you and your parents don't know and trust.
  6. If someone tries to abuse you, say no, get away, and tell a trusted adult. Remember, it's not the victim's fault.
  7. Don't use alcohol and other drugs, and stay away from places and people associated with them.
  8. Stick with friends who are also against violence and drugs, and stay away from known trouble spots.
  9. Get involved to make school safer and better - having poster contests against violence, holding anti-drug rallies, counseling peers, and settling disputes peacefully. If there's no program, help start one!
  10. Help younger children learn to avoid being crime victims. Set a good example and volunteer to help with community efforts to stop crime.

Be A Bucket Filler

This  engaging classroom activity can easily be applied to any meeting group.

Draw a bucket and the headings "Looks Like", "Sounds Like", and "Feels Like". As a group, get the kids to imagine that everyone carries an invisible emotional bucket. Kind actions and positive behaviours help fill a person's bucket while hurtful actions and negative behavior results in draining a person's bucket.

Discuss what bucket filling actions and behaviours look, sound, and feel like and write down their ideas.

What actions did you do today to help fill someone's bucket?

Definition: Conflict & Conflict Resolution

What is Conflict?

Conflict is a disagreement or problem that happens between two or more people. It can happen to anyone, from best friends to enemies. Most conflicts start small, but they continue to grow, snowballing into major problems. As teachers, we can explain what conflict is, in order to effectively teach how to keep conflicts from becoming major problems in the classroom.

What is Conflict Resolution?

When there’s a problem, it’s important to address the problem in a peaceful way, understanding both sides of the situation. This is conflict resolution or peaceful problem solving as I like to call it in my classroom. Conflict resolution is an important skill to have, both in the classroom and in life. By helping our students practice and adopt healthy ways of solving interpersonal problems, we help them succeed in other areas of their education and life as well.

How to Teach Conflict Resolution

  • Teach Understanding – Kids need to understand what conflict is and how it can have a negative effect on a person. This type of understanding will help them know why conflict resolution is so important.
  • Teach Empathy – After understanding comes empathy. Once kids understand conflict, they should learn to empathize with all other people involved. Conflict affects more than one person, so to resolve it, it’s important to empathize with the other person’s feelings
  • Teach Responsibility – Conflict involves more than one person. The kids involved need to know how to take responsibility for their own part in the conflict. Whether they caused the problem or simply exasperated the situation, they need to admit that they were wrong and be willing to do their part to make amends.
  • Teach Communication – In order to resolve conflict peacefully, your kids will need to use their words. Communication is vital to conflict resolution, so teach them how to talk about the issue and come to a mutually beneficial solution.
  • Teach Choice – Children need more than one strategy to solve a conflict independently. Talk about these different ways during a meeting and have them practice different types with a friend. The ‘Wheel of Choice’ offers many strategies that are simple and effective for kids.

Learn more about conflict resolution at

Beach Ball Pass - Conflict Resolution Game

Break any large groups into smaller teams of 8 to 15. This activity requires some space and is best played outdoors.

The team begins by standing in a circle. One person hits the ball into the circle and tells the team that they need to hit the ball twice as many times as there are team members (eight members need 16 hits). The only rules are that no team member can hit the ball twice in a row, or volley the ball back and forth over and over with another member. Because this game is more difficult than it first appears, conf lict may erupt early on as the team realizes this and has to regroup and devise a plan.

Once the team achieves their goal number of hits, give them the next challenge, which is to hit the ball an equal number of times as there are team members. This time there is a new rule: each team member can hit the ball only one time. Even though this is a more difficult version, they should be able to build on what they have already learned to achieve success without conf lict.

Discussion Questions

  1. Was this activity more difficult than you originally thought it would be?
  2. If so, did your assumptions lead to any communication challenges or conflict?
  3. How did you and your team deal with the conflict?
  4. In the second round, the goal was even more difficult. Did you experience the same communication or conflict challenges as the first round? Why or why not?
  5.  In what ways can you apply what you discovered in this game to everyday life?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are the themes of 2020

What will be your commitment to making your community more inclusive be? Share your thoughts and your diversity bracelet photos with Guides and Girl Scouts around the world on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook using #WTD2020 and #InOurHands

WAGGGS Activity Pack Link:

Learn to Distinguish Between Disabilities and Handicaps

Disability – a disability applies to a person's functional limitations.

Examples of a disability include:

  • A person who uses a wheelchair because of a physical disability.
  • A Person who uses a hearing aid because they are deaf or hard of hearing.

Handicap – a handicap is a barrier in the environment.

Examples of a handicap include:

  • When there is no elevator so a person with a physical disability cannot go up or down a floor.
  • When inadequate time is allowed to complete a task for a person to demonstrate understanding of material.

Discover Braille

What is braille? Braille is a code used to enable people who have a visual disability to read. It uses raised dots to represent letters and numbers of the print alphabet.

What is a visual disability? A visual disability ranges from blindness to a slight disability such as needing to wear glasses.

The braille alphabet is comprised of the braille cell and six dots arranged and numbered.

The capital sign, dot 6, is placed before a letter to make the following letter into a capital.

The number sign is placed before the characters a through j to make the numbers 1 through 0.

Can you read the following braille text?

Easy braille sentence.

Answer: I learned braille.

Hard braille quote spoken by Helen Keller.

Answer: The chief handicap of the blind is not blindness, but the attitude of seeing people towards them.

Generate your own braille text with Bryon Knoll Online Braille Generator at

Inclusion Tree Craft


  • Extra-large poster paper
  • Brown construction paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Different colours of washable paint


Cut out a large tree trunk and glue it onto the extra-large piece of poster paper.

Next have the kids dab their hands in the paint then press their palms onto the poster paper to form the leaves of the tree.

Diversity Eggs Activity

Goal: Discuss how people can look different on the outside, but how we are all the same on the inside.


  • 1 Brown egg
  • 1 White egg
  • 2 plates
  • Crayons
  • Printout of response sheet

Talk about diversity and how humans can come in all different shapes, sizes, and colours. Display the two eggs and have the kids fill out part 1 of the response sheet: colouring the eggs. Next crack the eggs open. The kids should then be able to complete part 2 and 3 of the response sheet.


Step 1: One egg is white and one egg is brown.

Step 2: The insides of both eggs are the same.

Step 3: The eggs are like people because although they may be different on the outside, they are the same on the inside.

Download Diversity Eggs Handout

Understanding Autism

Learning About Autism

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), affects how a person's brain works. ASD refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communication.

When a person has autism, they may have problems:

  • letting you know what they want;
  • thinking;
  • understanding what other people say or want;
  • ignoring sounds;
  • ignoring things or people that are moving;
  • ignoring lights;
  • being touched;
  • understanding social rules;
  • showing affection;
  • controlling their feelings;
  • knowing how to play with other kids; and
  • dealing with changes.

Since autism is a spectrum disorder, not everyone with autism has all the problems listed. One person may have four while another might only have one.

Activity on Autism

This activity is designed to show how people with autism are bothered by things most people don’t notice. People with autism are often extra sensitive to noise, movement and even things like background noises. Remember, not everyone with autism has these problems.

Divide the group into teams of 5. Explain that they will each have a job to do. Go over their jobs and tell them they will start when you give the signal.

Person #1 - You will play the part of a person with autism. Your job is to try and listen to what Person #5 is reading to you so you can take a test on the material. Try to ignore everyone else.

Person #2 - Stand behind the student playing the part of someone with autism. Rub the edge of an index card (or piece of cardboard) against the back of their neck. Do not rub hard, but keep doing it over and over.

Person #3 - Grab a book (any book will do), lean close to Person #1 and read in a loud voice the entire time.

Person #4 - Pat Person #1 on the head and shoulder the entire time.

Person #5 - Using a normal voice, read a paragraph to Person #1 then ask them questions about what you read. Do NOT try to drown out the other noises.

Have all the students take a turn being Person #1 before you discuss it. How did it feel to have so much commotion going on? Did it make them want to scream or get away? Were they able to concentrate on the paragraph being read? What might have helped?

What Are Learning Disabilities?

There are many different types of learning disabilities, but in a broad sense they are processing problems that interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing, or math. They can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention.

Types of Learning Disabilities

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) – People who are unable to recognize subtle differences between sounds in words, even when the sounds are loud and clear enough to be heard. They can also find it difficult to tell where sounds are coming from, to make sense of the order of sounds, or to block out competing background noises.

Dyscalculia – Affects a person's ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. These individuals may have poor comprehension of math symbols, telling time, or have trouble counting.

Dysgraphia – affects a person's handwriting ability and fine motor skills. Problems may include illegible handwriting, inconsistent spacing, poor spatial planning on paper, poor spelling, and difficulty composing writing as well as thinking and writing at the same time.

Dyslexia – Affects reading and related language-based processing skills. Can affect reading fluency, decoding, recall, writing, and spelling.

Language Processing Disorder – Difficulty attaching meaning to sound groups that form words, sentences and stories.

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) – An individual with NLD has trouble interpreting nonverbal cues like facial expressions or body language.

Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit – Affects the understanding of information that a person sees, or the ability to draw or copy.

Activity on Learning Disabilities

This activity gives you a general idea on what it is like to have to fight against what your brain is telling you the correct answer is.

Hold up a copy of the handout. Your group must read out the COLOUR of the word that is written, not the word itself.

Afterward, discuss how your brain wants to read the actual word. Even when you can make yourself do it correctly, you tend to read much slower than normal. This is an example of how difficult it is for students with learning disabilities to get through the day. Their brain understands what needs to be done, but they have to struggle to make it come out right.

Five World Centers

Do you know about WAGGGS’s five World Centers? There’s the Pax Lodge in London, Sangam in India, Our Chalet in Switzerland, Our Cabana in Mexico and Kusafiri in Africa.

Fundraising Tips

Are you struggling to find ideas on a good fundraiser? Go to for WAGGGS’ suggestions and helpful tips.

Or check out The Trailhead  for tips and tricks on how to sell more Girl Guide Cookies.

Egg Box Dragon

Searching for a Chinese New Year craft that combines a dragon with recycling? Well look no further than this adorable Egg Box Dragon. You can find instructions on how to make your own Egg Box Dragon at


Looking for ways to teach your kids about Indian culture? Try this Diwali craft! Diawali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is the largest of all Indian celebrations. Learn more the Festival of Lights at

New Zealand Sheep and Australian Kola

Extend your hand around the globe to New Zealand or Australia to meet a fuzzy new friend. Got a younger group? Try the cotton ball sheep craft; these fluffy critters roam all over New Zealand’s rolling hills. Have an older crowed? Learn how to make an Australian kola mask.

Culture Costume

Do you want your girls to be more engaged in this years Thinking Day? Try hosting a Thinking Day meeting night where every one has to dress as a girl from another culture.

Canadian Crafts Brainstorm

Lotus Boat

Have you ever tried making a Thailand Lotus Boat? They’re very pretty to look at and fun to race down the river. If you put a plastic plate on the bottom it will float just fine.

Chinese Crafts

Looking for some Chinese themed crafts? Well go no further until you’ve checked out
Chinese Drums:
Chinese Characters:
Coffee Filter Fan:
Image: chinese_collage

Canadian Guiding Flower Swap

Share the Canadian Guiding Flower for this year's Swap. You just need white pipe cleaners, colourful beads, a safety pin, paper, and a pen.

Thiland Dyed Noodle Necklace

Do you have oodles of noodles and some spare time? Try making a Thiland dyed noodle necklace. For instructions go to

Canadian Picture Frame

If you are planning on meeting a new friend on Thinking Day and want to make sure that you’ll be remembered give this Canadian Picture Frame craft a try.

Icelandic Coco Soup

Have you ever wondered what Icelandic’s drink to stay warm? Icelandic coco soup of course! Learn to make this tasty drink at

Canadian Cultural Exchange Kit

Searching for a way to start a new partnership? Try making your own Canadian cultural exchange kit and share it with a friend in another country.

Fairy Bread

Bring a bit of Australia to your group with this delicious Australian birthday tradition: Fairy Bread! Check out the recipe at

Song Book Swap

Share your group’s favourite songs with this interesting swap idea. All you need is some construction paper, markers, scissors, a stapler, a safety pin, and your favourite songs.

Italian Creme Soda

Get a taste of Italy with this delicious homemade Italian cream soda. Just go to for the recipe.

Ireland Guiding

Want to learn what it’s like to be a Ladybird, Brownie, or a Guide in Ireland? Check out and scroll down to the bottom of the page for some neat ideas.

Russian Friendship Tea

ow do Russian’s make friends? Why, with Russian Friendship Tea of course! Learn how to make it at

Around The World

Have you ever played Around the World in 80 Minutes? If you haven’t then you’re missing out. Where else can you be in Egypt, Germany, England, Africa, and so many other places all within 80 minutes? Check out this great Thinking Day game at

Hieroglypic Swap

Hop on over to The Frugal Crafter to discover how to make these neat hieroglyphic pendant swaps.

Sombrero Cookies

You don’t have to go to Mexico to enjoy these neat sombrero cookies. All you need is a box of sugar cookies, icing, sprinkles, and gumdrops.

Inukshk Carving

Looking for crafts to express your Canadian heritage? Try making an inukshuk carving out of a bar of soap.


Try a taste of Finland with this yummy looking summer vegetable soup also known as Kesäkeitto. You can find the recipe at

Bottle Craft

Has your group ever wanted to visit Australia’s Great Barrier Reef? Well if you can’t go there yourself, how about trying this ocean in a bottle craft?

Canada Postage Stamp Swap

Share your Canadian heritage with this simple Canada Postage Stamp swap. Just cut out your backing in any shape you want, punch a hole in the top for the tassels, write “Canada”, paste on a postage stamp, and you’re ready to share your swap.

Lord Baden-Powell Swap

Here’s an easy swap your group can do to honour Lord Baden-Powell on his birthday.


Today we head to the Netherlands where kids play a game called Koekhappen. The goal is to eat the ontbijtkoek (dutch spice cake) off the string while blindfolded and without using your hands.
To learn more about Koekhappen, go to

Pear Mice

To make these cute little pear mice just halve a canned pear, cut almonds for ears, place a piece of black licorice for the nose and eyes, and red shoe string licorice for the whiskers and tail.

Chilly Songs

Searching for ideas that relate to Canada, Greenland, Russia or any other polar location? Try some chilly songs such as “I’m a Little Penguin”.

I'm A Little Penguin (Tune of I'm A Little Tea Pot)

I’m a little penguin, black and white.
I waddle to the left and I waddle to the right.
I cannot fly but I can swim.
So I waddle to the water and jump right in!

Native American Culture

On your travels around the world during Thinking Day, don’t forget about the Native American culture. Here’s a simple craft you can do with Popsicle sticks and your imagination. To learn how to make the craft just right to play the Stick Dice game go to

Robin Hood Swap

Looking for a swap that’s right out of a book? Check out this cute Robin Hood bow, arrow, and quiver swap made by Swaps 4 Less.

Catch the Dragon's Tail

Become an ancient Chinese mythical creature when you play “Catch the Dragon’s Tail.” This outdoor chain game is great when you have a lot of kids since you can have many dragons running around at once. Just catch the tail to win!


The children all form a line with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. The first in line is the dragon's head, the last in line is the dragon's tail.

The dragon's head then tries to catch the tail by manoeuvring the line around so that he can tag the last player. All the players in the middle do their best to hinder the dragon's head. Don't let the line break!

When the head catches the tail, the tail player takes the front position and becomes the new dragon's head. All the other players move back one position.

Mi’kmaq Quill Box

Canada is a place of many cultures and traditions and the Mi’kmaqs of Nova Scotia are one of the oldest. Learn how to make a Mi’kmaq quill box craft at

Indian Dosas

Packed full of your kids favourite vegetables, these creative and colourful Indian Dosas are sure to get your child excited for breakfast. You can find the recipe at

Dipped Rice Krispies

Searching for that last minute funding? How about hosting a bake sale? These Valentines treats are simple to make and the kids can have fun decorating them.


Go round and round with this old Dutch game called Spijkerpoep. Just tie a nail to a string and let it dangle off your waist and behind you. The goal is to get the nail into the bottle with only hip movements.

Yule Log Cake

France is a country known for it’s culture and history, but it’s also known for its delicious yule log cake. Head on over to to discover the recipe.

Elephant Toothpaste

In Africa adult male elephants can weigh from 4,700 to 6,048 kg and stand 3.2 to 4.0 meters tall. Can you imagine the size of the toothbrush zookeepers would need to use? You can make your own elephant toothpaste at home with just a soda pop bottle, warm water, yeast, hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and some food colouring. Go to to learn how.

Ice Inukshuk

Want a Thinking Day craft that encourages your kids to play outside? How about making a traditional Inukshuk out of ice? Just add food colouring to some water, freeze into different size blocks, and go out to play!

Maple Leaf Swap

Want a simple swap that really says, “I am Canadian”? Try gluing a penny to a felt maple leaf.

Australian Salad

This Australian salad is not only healthy, but it’s quite fun to make too. Check out the recipe at

Bento Lunch

Head over to Japan where healthy lunches are prepared in bento boxes. To learn how to make a bento box lunch with these ideas

Canada 150 Craft

Did you know that in 2017 Canada turned 150? Join the celebration by sharing a part of Canada’s history. Create your own Canada logo from 1967, when Canada turned 100 years old! Just cut triangles out of coloured construction paper and glue them to match the logo.

Switzerland Swap

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Switzerland? For most children the answer will be Swiss cheese. Here’s a simple Switzerland swap that is easy to make.

Chinese Song

Teach your kids a song in another language by singing Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes in Chinese. A video on how to pronounce the lyrics can be found on Mama Lisa’s Word of International Music & Culture. Just follow this link and scroll down to find the video: or browse through the website to explore songs from all around the world (

What Are SWAPs?

Are you new to Thinking Day and are wondering what are these SWAPs that everyone is talking about? SWAPs can mean either “Share With A Pal” or, my favourite, “Special Whatchamacallist Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” The purpose of SWAPs is to introduce one Scout or Guide to another by trading their crafted whatchamacallits with each other. This trade usually strikes up a conversation which can lead to friendship. Learn more about the tradition of SWAPs at

Learn About Greek Mythology

Interested in learning about Greek mythology? Look no further than E-Patches & Crests own Discovering Mythology challenge kit. Read the tale of Zeus, Odysseus, or the Trojan Horse in this 35 page PDF filled with teachings, crafts, games, puzzles, and more.

King Arthur Quest

Take a trip back to the medieval ages and learn how people lived, what games they played, and, of course, how to become a knight in this 45 page King Arthur Quest weekend camp.

Around The World Song

Do you know the song “Around the World” by Patricia Morrison? This song, sung to Skidamarink, is perfect to sing on Thinking Day. Remind everyone that even with oceans or borders dividing the nations we are all part of the same world.

Tick Tick Tick Rhyme

Searching for a rhyme that helps little children understand the different sounds around the world? Try teaching them the 'Tick Tick Tick' nursery rhyme from India. You could even recite the rhyme in Hindi if you wanted to teach an older audience. Visit to learn more.

Explore The World

Want to explore the world while staying in the gym? Have your group sit in individual “airplanes” (cardboard boxes) and give them a prop from a location around the world. Invite a child to board their plane and say “Good morning, I will be your pilot today. We are going to discover…(example: France! Or wherever their prop came from). The child then goes on to give a short description on what the rest of the passengers see on their trip. Move onto the next player and repeat.

Got a lot of kids wanting to play? Split into groups and together they must create a story about what the other passengers see on their trip. The more props the better.

Fire On The Mountain

Fire on the mountain, run, run, run! This Nigerian circle game is perfect for helping children learn how to cooperate with each other. Get your group together and watch them scamper and run as they try not to let the “Fire on the Mountain” get them. For instructions on how to play, go to

Canadian Beaver Swap

Start Thinking Day off right with a Canadian swap idea. These cute beavers are simple to make and great for sharing with friends.

Thinking Day Activity Booklet

Head over to our friends at Scouting Web to find a great activity booklet filled with World Thinking Day Activities. Games such as A Day in the Life, Dreams for the World, Global Beats, and more!

Itallian Pizzas

Wander over to Italy and create your very own pizzas! This brilliant activity idea doubles as a craft; all you have to do is gather some left over pizza boxes, hunt down some markers and left over craft supplies and create your masterpieces.

Thinking Day Owl

An owl has arrived, and just in time too! Our Thinking Day owl represents three of the past themes of World Thinking Day: Connect, Grow, and Impact. Get yours today in our owl category.

Tastes From Around The World

Ready to sample what the world has to offer? With this neat idea you can sample tastes from all around the world.

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