Sea Serpent Set (Iron On)

Have you ever wanted a set where it does not matter if you collect all the pieces? How about one that fits perfectly along the edge of a camp blanket? Our winding Sea Serpent, a concept designed by Leader Claire Sokoloski, does exactly that.

A green sea serpent with a yellow belly snakes its way through the water.

Price: $11.75 CAD

Sea Serpent Set (Iron-On)

16.5" w x 2.5" h
Item No: ES2400A

Celebrate your year in Guiding or Scouts with this Sea Serpent! Each part of its body represents a different event you participated in, so you have a fun and fashionable story of your year.

Sea Serpent Head (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 2.5" h
Item#: ES2401
since: May 01/17

Price: $2.20 CAD

Sea Serpent Thinking Day Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2402
since: May 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Earth Day Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2403
since: May 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Camping Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2404
since: May 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Bridging Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2405
since: May 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Cookies Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2407
since: Jun 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Food Drive Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2410
since: Oct 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Caroling Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2411
since: Oct 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Camp Clean Up Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2412
since: Dec 01/17

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Birthday Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2413
since: Sep 01/18

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Tail (Iron-On)

1.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2414
since: Sep 01/18

Price: $1.55 CAD

Sea Serpent Popcorn Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2417
since: Dec 01/19

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Linking Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2418
since: Dec 01/19

$1.85 $1.57 CAD

A green and yellow sea serpent hump with a rolled-up red sleeping bag and the word Sleepover on it.
Sea Serpent Sleepover Hump

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2420
since: Sep 01/20

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Litter Pick Up Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2421
since: Sep 01/20

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Beach Clean Up Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2422
since: Sep 01/20

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Planting Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2423
since: Sep 01/20

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Enrolment Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2425
since: Oct 01/21

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Tail 2022 (Iron-On)

1.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2426
since: Dec 01/21

$1.55 $0.39 CAD

Sea Serpent Advancement Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2427
since: Apr 15/22

Price: $1.85 CAD

Fundraising Sea Serpent Hump (Iron-On)

2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2428
since: Nov 01/22

Price: $1.85 CAD

Sea Serpent Tail 2023 (Iron-On)

1.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2429
since: Dec 01/22

Price: $1.55 CAD

@2024 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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