Iron-On Camp Hair Don't Care is next to someone with messy blonde hair.

Price: $1.85 CAD

Camp Hair Don't Care

Item No: E607
Dimensions: 2.1" w x 1.9" h
Patch since: Sep 01/16

Have you been out in the woods for so long that your hair has taken on its own style? Don't worry; you are not the only one with twig-decorated, spider web embellished, unruly hair. Use this patch to help proclaim that you have camp hair and don't care!

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Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your crests and am also very proud to present them to the other girls/leaders. You and your company are doing a fine job and keep up the good work. I will be using your crests for the upcoming year through my Sparks Program.

--Donna Thomas
Drumheller, AB

The district loved the Crest! (I knew they would as you did such a fabulous job integrating the reef knot!)

--Christie D.
Sherwood Park, AB

They arrived and they are wonderful!! I can't wait for the girls and leaders to see them on Sunday at the end of camp. Thanks so much for all your help.

--Daniela E.
Surrey, BC

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