Iron-On A beaker, spell book, witches hat and black cat surround the words Magical Adventure.

Price: $1.85 CAD

Magical Adventure

Item No: E510
Dimensions: 2" w x 2" h
Patch since: Oct 01/15

Grab your broom and take to the skies for a magical adventure! Do you like to dabble in the arcane arts, or perhaps you’ve made a potion or two? Or maybe you have the unique talent of understanding animals or even making them disappear. All you need to do is believe in going on your magical adventure.

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Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your crests and am also very proud to present them to the other girls/leaders. You and your company are doing a fine job and keep up the good work. I will be using your crests for the upcoming year through my Sparks Program.

--Donna Thomas
Drumheller, AB

Hi Lori. The badges arrived quickly and safely in England this morning - they are lovely - thanks very much!

--Angela Brett
Northants, UK


I received my badges last week! THANK YOU so much for everything that you and your team have done they are amazing!!

--Jenny T.
Mississauga, ON

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